27 March 2005

I don't want to go out. I want to stay in. Get things done.

Easter weekend is a funny old time I think. It's just the same as Christmas in length, but without all the fuss and gluttony. I always end up with armfuls of free time which is rather special. Why people try to stuff it full of DIY and chocolate eggs I'll never know. What's wrong with just staying in and giving yourself some time to relax and unwind? Absolutely nothing. Except I seem to have developed a cold, which is a nuisance.

Even long walks with the dog are off the menu as she is laid low with something or other. A stroll around the local park is about all she can manage for the time being.

I've been going through some files of pictures I collect to inspire my writing, and I thought I'd put a few of them up here instead of words, for each one speaks a thousand, as the saying goes.


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